"Isaac spoke to Abraham his father and said, "My father!" And he said, "Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" Abraham said, "God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." So the two of them walked together." -Genesis 22:7-8
Now you all know the story of Abraham and Isaac, and how Abraham was willing to offer up His only son to God. He trusted and surrendered Isaac as an act of worship and obedience. Before i get into that, can you imagine if we did as Abraham did? Trust, surrender, worship and obey God when our only son is on the line. Now i know everyone reading might not be a parent, i have just recently become one two weeks ago. This makes Isaac more real to me, i cant imagine God asking for my son Azariah. I can only pray that i respond like Abraham, now i know he will love God and i have seen in dreams that God has great things in store for him.

Do you see Jesus? Think about it, "God will provide for Himself the lamb." I see Jesus, think about his lineage Jesus came from Abraham and Isaac and God provided him. The lamb. Like Abraham Jesus was obedient and offered the sacrifice to God. The obvious difference is Jesus is more like Isaac than Abraham, he is the sacrifice to be placed on the alter, to save mankind from their sins. He trusted His Father, and in both examples through Isaac and Jesus God gave life more abundantly.
Read the promise in Genesis 22:17.
What does this mean for our worship?
What do we give up for worship? Our first born? Not usually, usually its our pride, our concern about what the people next to us will think. It can be acknowledging that we were wrong before God, it can be admitting we are sinners. Our sacrifice is usually inward, and our hearts have to give up in His presence. So next time you worship God, be glad it only costs you your heart, devotion, love, attention, obedience, admiration, praise, and not your first born. Because that price has been paid in full by a merciful God and for that we worship Him.
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