"You shall sow your land for six years and gather in its yield, but on the seventh year you shall let it rest and lie fallow, so that the needy of your people may eat; and whatever they leave the beast of the field may eat. You are to do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove. Six days you are to do work, but on the seventh day you shall cease from labor." -Exodus 23:10-12
Can you imagine what our society would look like if everyone followed this commandment? just imagine, because if this ever happened you better believe the world would be changed. An important thing to note is this, you only leave the field you don't harvest and give it away to the needy. There is something good for the soul of man when he works to earn his way, not having it just given to him.
Note how it is six year you work, and on the seventh rest. Six days and on the seventh rest. God has designed us to handle six days, then recover, six years then recover. Our culture would have us work 67 years then rest.
This can be taken in two directions for different people. Personally i am good at resting, an expert actually. So for me i need to focus on working for six days then resting. For many others you might have trouble stopping, from work to running the kids around you just go go go. There are different ways we keep ourselves busy. To you i recommend this: when i started my MBA a professor told me i should make a "stop doing list." In order to keep yourself rested and balanced, happy and successful. It is just this, when you start something new, you stop doing something else, or limit how much time spent on something else, maybe cut that time in half.
Another thing to note, is not all work is a job. For all you stay at home parents you are working full time, don't let society fool you, keep up some of the hardest and most important work there is, our future.
What does this mean for our worship?
Part of worship is our attitude. If we are balanced in our schedules, well rested, and focused how do you anticipate that will affect our worship of the most high God?
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