Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sing to my boy and he sleeps

So on March 1st 2011 i became a dad. Azariah my son was born. Look up the name and references in the old testament if you wish, the best one is in the book of Daniel.

We learned quickly that Azariah, as all babies do will cry. When he cries and is inconsolable the only thing that will calm him down is if my wife or i sing to him. There is only one song that always works, so watch this video. If it doesn't make you cry it might stop your crying. I think you would call it a lullaby.

What does this mean for our worship?
I know that God tells us to rest in Him. I think a lullaby is a means of rest, and calm. Find that quiet place deep down, where you are vulnerable and let God in. He wants it all...

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