Genesis 1:26-28, 31 NASB
"Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth." God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day."
Every time I read Genesis I learn something more about our creator God the designer of our hearts.
I love that He says "Let us create man in our image." This references is also made in John 1 all things were made through Him the holy trinity. God was not alone creating the cosmos, the Father, Spirit and Son were in agreement creating all of existence.
I love how He pauses and says everything is good after he creates it. I imagine a master craftsman impressing himself and enjoying his handwork. Kicking back and enjoying what he has just done. When God rests on the 7th day it is not because he was tired, or needed a break from all that hard work. Scholars maintain that "rest" in the Hebrew is closer to the meaning of the word enjoy. On the 7th day God enjoyed his creation. (There is a great book called Sabbath by Dan Allender, if you are interested.)
Now sitting in His presence where He enjoys us I can't help but think about how He created us in His image and called us good. God calling us good has more to do with who He is than what we are. We tend to think we have been good or bad, but the bible says there is only one who is good. The Designer. Now Jesus died and saved us from sin so now the Father sees the Son's righteousness instead of our sin, and we are covered by His sacrifice. Yet again it is about who He is, not what we are.
I am beginning to understand creation more when I realize design is about the designer, not the designed.
-=What does this mean for our worship?=-
We worship God for who He is. We should worship Him, worship as designed, in accordance to His will, with His Spirit, in His presence, made possible through His sacrifice.
Surrender our idols and sacrifice only to Him, for Him. Jesus' life was an example of worship for us to follow. God who designed the worshiper shows us how to worship, to seek him in spirit and in truth.
I surrender my preferences and styles of worship to His will, Lord teach me how to worship. Show me your design.
Every time I read Genesis I learn something more about our creator God the designer of our hearts.
I love that He says "Let us create man in our image." This references is also made in John 1 all things were made through Him the holy trinity. God was not alone creating the cosmos, the Father, Spirit and Son were in agreement creating all of existence.
I love how He pauses and says everything is good after he creates it. I imagine a master craftsman impressing himself and enjoying his handwork. Kicking back and enjoying what he has just done. When God rests on the 7th day it is not because he was tired, or needed a break from all that hard work. Scholars maintain that "rest" in the Hebrew is closer to the meaning of the word enjoy. On the 7th day God enjoyed his creation. (There is a great book called Sabbath by Dan Allender, if you are interested.)
Now sitting in His presence where He enjoys us I can't help but think about how He created us in His image and called us good. God calling us good has more to do with who He is than what we are. We tend to think we have been good or bad, but the bible says there is only one who is good. The Designer. Now Jesus died and saved us from sin so now the Father sees the Son's righteousness instead of our sin, and we are covered by His sacrifice. Yet again it is about who He is, not what we are.
I am beginning to understand creation more when I realize design is about the designer, not the designed.
-=What does this mean for our worship?=-
We worship God for who He is. We should worship Him, worship as designed, in accordance to His will, with His Spirit, in His presence, made possible through His sacrifice.
Surrender our idols and sacrifice only to Him, for Him. Jesus' life was an example of worship for us to follow. God who designed the worshiper shows us how to worship, to seek him in spirit and in truth.
I surrender my preferences and styles of worship to His will, Lord teach me how to worship. Show me your design.