"Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them." -Matthew 7:12 (Message)
I did research project a few months ago on, "How to determine those who take initiative in an interview." There were a few companies who have some interesting methods. An example would be the interviewer would be let into the room he was to be interviewed in and find that there are no chairs. The interviewer would then say something like, "Ohh they were cleaning the carpet i think the chairs are in the room next to us." Weather or not this person was hired depended on how they respond to the situation. If they said something like, "well let me go grab two chairs." They were probably in, if they let the interviewer go and get them, they were out.
All this is interesting but how does it relate to scripture? Well the interview-e would have gotten the job every time if they took the attitude Jesus is speaking of here. "What would i want for myself? That's what i need to do for others." We have an easy time knowing what we would like for ourselves. It would for example be nice not to have to open a door for yourself, even more so if the handle is cold in this winter weather. The barrier we run into is thinking of others, then taking the initiative to DO for them. This takes a little courage and boldness. I have found a smile always makes it easier.
What does this mean for our worship?
Jesus is calling us to do for him the things we would want ourselves. I think we would all like to be told by someone every day that we are loved. I think we would all like for others to speak highly of us.
One way to explain worship is as an attitude. To have an attitude of worship would mean maintaining a sensitivity to God's presence carrying yourself with an outlook that gives first to others, and takes initiative for them. Thinking of your wants last, a giving personality, not handing "things" to others, but kind words, encouragement, spreading God's presence. Share Joy. I will share joy with others because i love when people share their joy with me. The wonderful thing about joy is it never runs out when you share it, it multiplies.