Falling in love is a popular topic in our culture; love for eternity is not always as popular of a topic. It can be hard for us to imagine love for an eternity when there are fewer examples of long lasting love in front of us. I don’t pretend to know the reason that divorce is more common than it used to be. I also don’t know why long lasting friendships are harder to come by. I do know that as a people we are more selfish in general. Selfishness can make love a difficult thing, for whoever’s involved.
The bible gives us the example of Jesus, who said, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me, yet not as I will, but as You will.”-Matthew 26:42. Jesus surrenders his desire to live on earth, is crucified, and rises from the dead to save us from death. For the first time in history man (with the exception of Moses, Elijah, and Enoch) can live eternally with God, all due to the self-LESS-ness of the savior.
The selfless part of love is difficult for us also, in a world that wants to claim credit for itself. Our celebrities are fixated on themselves, and it runs deep in our culture. It is almost impossible for us to see what others need when we are focused on our selves, with eyes as unidirectional as an owl’s.
What this means for our worship:
Jesus is inviting us to a wedding feast, to an eternal love, a relationship that will not end. As hard as it is to understand eternity, eternal love is insane to us.
Our challenge today is to get past our culture’s inhibitors, to live selflessly, to look to others needs before our own, to love with a fierce strength, to fall in love with God for eternity. Part of this love is surrender, and requires selflessness, look to Jesus for the strength to be selfless.
Recommended listening: “Forever and Ever ect.” By David Crowder Band